Qualified Plan Analysis Request

Qualified Plan Analysis Request

Please complete as much information as you can as relates to your company and its qualified plan arrangements.  We will analyze and report back to you with methods you can use to better achieve your goals and maximize the benefits you are seeking.

Do you currently have an Employee Benefit Plan within your company or business?

Yes No
What is the name of your Company or Business?


Principal Activity

Date of Incorporation

Fiscal Year

Current Plan Assets

Number of employees

Annual Payroll (Prior year W-2s)

Anticipated Annual Employer Deposits as a % of salary,  or in total $ value

Do owners of this company have more than 5% of any other company?  Describe-

List the current census of people employed at your firm below:

Employee Name Date of Birth Date of Hire Annual Salary

% Ownership

Smoker / non smoker S/N Sex  M/F Family member of (Y/N) Owner?

Current plan adoption agreement available?

Type of Business Structure (C Corp, S Corp, LLC, etc.)

Any leased employees? If so approximately how many?

Is payroll prepared by employer or payroll service?

Identify which employees work less than 1000 hours a year.

Most recent plan statement available?

Who are the owners of this company and in what percentage do they own?

Any other retirement plans existing or terminated? Please give details.

How would you like to provide us these documents?


Please enter any other comments, questions or requests in the space provided below:

Tell us how you prefer us to get in touch with you:

Please contact me as soon as possible regarding this matter.

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Revised: September 11, 2001 .